Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Beautiful Happiness

Her smile is beautiful
I see her everyday
In my dreams and in life
She  loves me in every way

I'm in a state of joy
There's so much goodness
Her smile lights up my heart
As I remain in happiness

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Last Dance

This is my last blog of 2014. A lot can happen in a year. There's been some loss and there has been gain. Through it all, I still have my love for God. It's the only thing that keeps me going these days. I don't know what the future holds or what 2015 will bring. One thing is certain, I have learned hard lessons and my life has been changed. Happy holidays to all and hope to see more in the New Year.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10 years

10 years ago I was at the best university of my life. I was in a happy place. Suddenly, things changed. I had an accident that claimed 75% of my body. 2nd and 3rd degree burns from scalding hot radiator fluid. I'm not writing this to tell the entire story in detail. So I had a traumatic event. After this traumatic event, my heart suffered a tragic loss. My beloved Grandmother Dorothy Moore passed away. The interesting point to make is that once I came out of the hospital for my accident, she went in to get help. Some weeks later they released her home. Then the night before Halloween, she passed away. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye as she laid in bed. But the rest of my family did. I missed out because I was preoccupied with a person who is no longer apart of my life. I'm not playing the blame game. I make my own decisions and unfortunately I have made some very bad decisions in my life. Even now to this day. But 10 years ago is when things changed. My grandmother went home to be with God. I unfortunately had to withdraw from college. My family started to deteriorate. The cancer that ate away at my grandmother has also ate away the close relationship my family had. I've had a cousin make a remark that, "our family died when grandma did." That was very hurtful. I have another cousin who moved away. I miss her dearly. Other family members have there issues. I have mine. So, 10 years ago it felt like my heart was broken. It felt as if my family would never be the same again. It felt like I was never going to recover. 10 years later and my family still has problems, my heart is being pulled in many different directions and I just don't know what to do anymore. I write this because it helps. I no longer have my trusted best friend and brother. I don't have my long distance true friend in my life. I am a product of my own choices. I'm walking this path and taking care of others without regard for myself. My 10 year plan that I made in my senior year of high school has not come to fruition. There has been much heartache and intense pain. I've spoken to therapists and doctors to see what's wrong but I find writing to be much more therapeutic. Now I just have to start taking more time instead of giving up so much for others. 10 years ago I was happy. 10 years later and I'm trying to find more happiness. Thank you God for the blessings and tender mercies you show me each day. I pray humbly for wisdom and discernment. I pray for increase. Bless me. I love you. Amen!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Pirate's Lost Love

Shores sail like warm clouds.

Rise swiftly like an old gull.

Clear, old suns quietly view a lively, misty seashell.

The moon endures like a small sailor.

Stormy, rough clouds swiftly lead an old, cold mainland.

The small girl swiftly views the shore.

Faith, desire, and adventure.

All winds lead cold, misty sharks.

The clear sea quietly desires the wind.

Never desire a wave.

Endure roughly like a small lad.

The reef falls like a rough ship.

Why does the mainland die?

Never command a pirate.

Why does the shark travel?

Love is a dead reef.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What's your foundation?

I look at life through real eyes. I analyze everything down to its foundation. Foundation. Now that's an interesting word. What is foundation? Oh sure your dictionary will tell you one thing. Google will say something. Even Wikipedia has an article on it. To put this into perspective I'm going to tell you my foundation. It's summed up in one name, GOD. A couple of examples now. When a ship is at sea and the captain needs to make a stop, what does he do? Well, he orders for the anchor to be lowered. So the anchor drops into the water and everyone waits for the anchor to grip something.  If the anchor were to grip sand only, the ship would not be stopped. The anchor has to grip something strong. A rock is pretty strong. In fact, I believe that was the entire purpose for dropping the anchor. So that it could in fact grip a rock, a firm base. Let me give you another example. This one involves building a shelter. If you read the Bible you will know this story very well. Two men build a house. One builds his house on the sand. Hmm, there's that sand again. The other man builds his house on a rock. Same reference here. Now when the storm comes, the man who built is house on the sand becomes distraught because his house falls. The ground wasn't sturdy enough. Likewise this resulted in happiness for the man who built his house on a rock. That solid base stood the test and trials every storm that came. The house still stands. In these two examples I have defined the very word, foundation. Again as for me, my foundation is God. God is my strong, firm, solid base that keeps me secure through the storms of life. God is the rock to which my anchor holds when I am lost at sea or when I just need to know my course. Foundation can be anything to anyone. My foundation does not have to match up with yours. But dare I ask if God is not your foundation, what is? What is your foundation? I have built my hope and faith on the One who is eternal. My house is standing on the foundation of God. My anchor grips and holds to the rock that is God. I am not moved by the storm or the waves that try to overtake me. I have a solid base that keeps me rooted and secure. Things don't always go right, especially for me but I still count it all joy in the name of God because, once again, I know what my foundation is.my foundation is perfect and can not be broken or destroyed. My foundation is everlasting and has filled me with perfect love. There is nothing greater than this love I have from God. Nothing even compares. My companion, family, friends and others can not do what God has already done or what He will do. He is the best, period. I close with this, my foundation is the only force that keeps me going and allows me to smile in a world filled with so much pain. My foundation is God. What's yours?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

10 ways to Love

There is of course more than 10 ways to love someone. Nonetheless, these 10 are all equally important. Love is to:

Listen without interrupting
Speak without accusing
Give without sparing
Pray without ceasing
Answer without arguing
Share without pretending
Enjoy without complaint
Trust without wavering
Forgive without punishing
Promise without forgetting

These 10 keys are essential in love and any relationship you may have. Hope you find someone that demonstrates these keys and also that you demonstrate these for the one you love. The justice of all relationships is bound by the truth you speak and the respect you show one another. God's love is perfect. The love you have for each other ought to be a close second.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Love and Forgiveness

These two go hand in hand. When you love someone you will forgive them. When you forgive someone it shows an act of love. I have been wronged by many people in my life. Friends, family, co-workers and a host of others. I have also done wrong in my life. I am far from perfect but I am also far from the worst. I have lied, stolen, cheated and even deceived my ownself. I have experienced love and I have suffered loss. I have been in relationships that were one sided and I have been tricked into bad things. I am a man of faith, I practice chivalry and I respect people. I forgive everyone no matter how much the hurt is bearing down on me. I ask for forgiveness whenever I wrong someone. I never let pride get in my way. But again, these two items go hand in hand. I have written poems, songs, stories and various other writings. God has seen fit to provide me with this talent and I appreciate it very much. For every person that reads this, you will know who you are. Forgive me for the wrong I have done to you. I love you all as God loves me. God forgives us even when we feel like we don't deserve it. I forgive everyone that has done me wrong. I'm making this public because it needs to be in the open. This is the only way. In relationships, love and forgiveness must be given equally and justly. When you say you love someone, you would rather die than ever hurt them. And when you do end up hurting them you die a little on the inside. Trust is an important key in any relationship including friendships and family. My three principles I have lived by has always been Truth, Justice and Respect. This is my personal creed because these three concepts and wrapped up in Love and it takes all three to Forgive. Patience is one of the most wise of virtues. Love and Forgiveness cannot be separated. God loves me and I love God. This is the most important.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Trusted Romance

Trusted Romance

More than just a reality
I wake up to her stare
Feeling my breath escape
I hope she will be there

My self revelation has come
At a detrimental time
She can offer me grace
So my light continues to shine

Man of my word till the end
This is what I strive to be
Securing our faithful foundation
Confidence in the heart is key

Make a promise I will surely keep
Loving you with all of my being
Time will tell the tale of our story
As the truth you'll soon be seeing.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Loving Truth

The Loving Truth

I have dreamed a dream

and once it came true

I realized and was amazed

of how lucky I would be


Faith to drive my character

as the seasons change

my love remains a constant

my virtue is still clean


confide in me and trust

don't leave any room for doubt

my eyes have seen much

but they remain trained on you


close your eyes and come away with me

let me by the guide for your heart

place all of your cares into my hand

and you will see the loving truth

The Bruised Heart

The Bruised Heart

Shattered bruises covering my shell

I can feel the hurt in my core

Like a thorn in the foot of a dragon

I am unsettled but driven in my rage


events and circumstances around me

that leaves me feeling alone

like an ant on a hill staring at the sun

even though it's baking me to a crisp

I remain there waiting for someone


I am frozen to the sea,

my heart craves

to drown in Dark winter

as the dark sky bleeds,

and danger is like an angry lion,

tame it if you can

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spirit of Power, Love and Sound Mind

Life has it's challenges. Everyday we go from one end of the spectrum to the other. Some times we fall hard and it seems like we will never get back up. Maybe it's the change in the atmosphere or maybe we are all just sleeping, waiting to awake to a world that no longer needs us. We have machines that takeover the need for humanity. Zombies are walking around everywhere. Love has become a rare commodity as has happiness and peace. We are listening to the wrong message. Instead we should be striving for real truth. Life brings with it the evident changes of every single day. The most important change is the one that happens inside of you. Wake up dear people and see the light. Open your eyes to the true Word. Let your ears listen to the voice of reason. Embrace wisdom and apply your knowledge aptly. Lastly, my friends, do not let fear rule your spirit. Instead live with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I Adore You

I Adore You

Underneath the stars at night

I sit and wait for a dream

Passing through the universe

Never losing an ounce of steam


Where is my angel I would ask

Would she come and comfort me

When will it be my time

To experience part of her beauty


Then out of nowhere it seemed

God answered my prayer

Sending you in my path

So now I’ll never be in despair


Thank you to my sweetheart

My one and only babe so true

I will always be your support

Because, truly I adore you

Monday, May 5, 2014

Peaceful Update

Peaceful Update

For those of you who know, I love to write. I have been writing now for over 10 years. Poems, poetry, philosophy, political, spiritual and many other prose. I have kept an online blog for 4 years. Before that I have kept a journal and still do to this day. I have received good feedback from a few people. I appreciate all those who take time out to read what I write. There are many issues going on the world today and most importantly there is a war going on for your mind and your soul can too easily become compromised in today's day and age. I will be posting more things in the days and weeks to come. What I want to say to people is never let yourself be taken over by the glitz and glamor of this world. All material things will fade so it's important to depend and build your hopes on eternal things. Also keep in mind that the media you see on TV is only half the truth maybe less. The Bible encourages you to test all things in light of Scripture and hold fast to the good. I beleive that goes for both spiritual and political matters. Don't get caught up with the hype of popular media likewise don't be fooled by prosperity teachers who come as wolves in sheep's clothing. Please understand that one day all of this will be over and you will account for your time spent here. Are you living just for the moment or do you live for substance? Take care friends and social media poppers. I pray you find peace, meaning and understanding in life.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday to everyone. Why is it Good Friday? Because the most amazing event happened 2000 years ago. A man named Jesus Christ of Nazareth decided to take all the sins of the world and be crucified showing His love for all of us. He was beaten, cursed, mocked and afflicted for our transgressions. He never did any wrong. The passion He demonstrated on the cross was something no one else could ever do. He paid the debt that was owed since the first Adam fell. He finished it all on the cross to save everyone, who would only just believe, from the penalty of sin. I know many of you don't believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. But this is the main central event of my faith and the most incredible event in all of human history. He died so that many will have a chance at everlasting life. God loves you and cares for you so much that all He asks in return is for you to follow Him. It's that simple. No need to be difficult. Good Friday is good because God is good.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Strong and Fierce

With air so soft

she sings her song

like the mocking bird

Up all night long


Her face shows light

her words so pure

finding the real truth

now intrigues a cure


The beauty deep within

causing so much delight

shadows her elegance

and fuels her fight


Desire from passion

a sharp point will pierce

the realness of her

makes her strong and fierce

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pleasant Surprise

I'm not one who believes in coincidence but I do believe in Providence. Things don't just happen unless there is a rhyme or reason. Recently a bit of happiness entered my life out of nowhere or so it seemed. I claim it as a gift from the Most High. I don't know how much time I will have on this earth but while I am here I will make the best of every situation. I have been given a gift. An angel has come to watch over and take care of me. It is a great feeling that sometimes leaves me breathless. Butterflies struggle to the point of death to break free from their cocoon so it has been for me. The struggle has paid off. Why? Because I am a witness that God does answer prayer. Because I believe the words written in the Bible to be true. Because I know in my heart that God always makes away for those who serve Him. As I live for the yes of God and worship Him in Spirit and Truth I also appreciate the many gifts he has bestowed in my life. Right now I have welcomed in my life, truly, a pleasant surprise. At times it feels like it's too good to be true but when I open my eyes I can see real beauty standing before me. I beleive the soft hearted Dragon has finally found his fiery Phoenix. Soon the two will be able to start a journey of greatness going to heights never explored before. All the while making sure that prosperity and charity has its place and will echo back authentic and genuine feelings across the universe.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blessing and Struggle

Blessing and Struggle

Every day is a blessing and a stuggle but I'm coming to terms with that because so much was sacrificed that I may have the right to be here. I have drawn away from trying and now I am training the betterment of myself. Perfection is not a quality any human has but that doesn't mean you should just get comfortable coasting by. You can't win a game from the sidelines and you can't live life without taking a leap of faith. I understand everyone is on their own path and as I understand that I have also come to realize the true message of a story I read long ago. Without getting too much into it I'll just say this: there is a reason people have come and gone, some people are only meant to be apart of your life for a season no matter how short or long, and finally a few people will actually be around for a lifetime because of the time that was invested. It can be difficult making new friends. Every person is not going to willingly let you into their life. Others will call you "friend" without knowing or understanding what the word really means. You're relationships are built on shaky ground and you wonder why it all comes crashing down. I'll tell you this, it's better to have a firm foundation so that when storms and winds come, you will have ground worthy to stand upon. I still remain an observer of sorts but of course I will speak up and act when the time is right. Do not be afraid or ashamed of what you know is right and true. You already know the way. So in this life just make sure you do what you are called to do. Don't waste your talent. A wasted talent is a wasted life. Instead of watching the opportunities pass you by, seize the moment and capture your blessing. Then and only then can you truly rise up and say that you are not a victim of the struggle but you are an overcomer and a victor.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Ever-Rising Sun (poem)

This entry is a poem I wrote a while back, I wrote it inspired by a song that is similar in name. It came to me at a time where I felt I was going through a change.

The Ever-Rising Sun

The time has come for another stone
One more step to make in the path
As I go I don't go alone
God gives me guidance;I do need that
I'm no more human than any other
I have trials I must go through
I hold everyone as a sister or brother
And now I'm ready to start something new
Going down this road isn't easy
No one ever said that it would
But now I must face the inevitability
That I wouldn't get out even if I could
My journey has just now begun
As I face the ever rising sun

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Slavery and the Bible

This blog post will be an excerpt from equip.org by Hank Hanegraaff. This is his answer to the question does the bible condone or promote slavery? Some people, many atheists, believe this to be true. So after searching scripture and studying the word this is the truth concerning the entire matter.

A myth propped up by secular skeptics is that Scripture sanctions slavery. Nothing could be farther from the truth. First, it should be noted that far from extolling the virtues of slavery, the Bible denounces slavery as sin. The New Testament goes so far as to put slave traders in the same category as murderers, adulterers, perverts, and liars (1 Timothy 1:10).
Furthermore, slavery within the Old Testament context was sanctioned due to economic realities rather than racial or sexual prejudices. Because bankruptcy laws did not exist, people would voluntarily sell themselves into slavery. A craftsman could thus use his skills in servitude to discharge a debt. Even a convicted thief could make restitution by serving as a slave (Exodus 22:3).
Finally, while the Bible as a whole recognizes the reality of slavery, it never promotes the practice of slavery. In fact, it was the application of biblical principles that ultimately led to the overthrow of slavery, both in ancient Israel and in the United States of America. Israel’s liberation from slavery in Egypt became the model for the liberation of slaves in general. In America, many are beginning to wake up to the liberating biblical truth that all people are created by God with innate equality (Genesis 1:27; Acts 17:26–28; Galatians 3:28).
For further study, see Paul Copan, That’s Just Your Interpretation:Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2001), 171–178. See also Hank Hanegraaff, “President Bartlett’s Fallacious Diatribe.” Available from CRI at www.equip.org.

“We know that the law is good if one
uses it properly. We also know that law is made not
for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels,
the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious;
for those who kill their fathers
or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts,
for slave traders and liars and perjurers––
and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
that conforms to the glorious gospel
of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.”
1 Timothy 1:8–11

Monday, February 10, 2014

To everything there is a Season

Good Morning internet "friends" on this Great Monday morning. As some of you may know, I like to write. I am living a single life at the moment. I have my own place and have been making it on my own for quite some time. With the Grace of God I have been able to turn many negatives in my life to a positive. I have fallen many times but I have gotten up each time and kept on fighting. I have been betrayed, let down, disrespected, abandoned and ridiculed. I am a person that puts charity above all else and I beleive that chivalry is not dead. So why am I explaining all of this right now? Because these days it seems like everything is backwards. I stand by and watch good women fight fpr the "boy" that's doing them wrong. I see men give up everything for a "girl" who doesn't appreciate her own worth. Check this out: flowers show up at your door just because, your door is always opened for you, standing up at the table as you leave and come back, you never pay for dinner, cuddling close on the couch while watching a movie and sipping hot cocoa. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Some women go their whole life without experiencing true romance. Most men go their whole life not realizing how valuable a good women can be. Yet here we are in the 21st century and people still act like they have no sense. At this moment in my life I've found it better to just wait for God. The time will come when it is His will and it is fit for me to meet someone. Maybe that one is reading this post right now. Probably through some way or someone's effort this post will be shared with them. I close this with one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible. From Ecclesiastes: "...to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven."

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Serenity is my goal

I have comfort knowing that this battle is not mine. It belongs to God. His hands are shaping the outcome. My heart is glad to accept His will. I am told many things by people these days. People, as they are, become hard to trust. I spend my time engaged in writing, literature, games, spirituality and philosophy. Meanwhile it seems there are those more focused on the next trend or the hot topic of the week.  I remember a person to whom I bared my soul and poured out all my emotions only to be met with a mere expression of mediocrity. It's amazing how some people close to you can remain so oblivious to your outward expression of feelings. Then I know of a certain person who is genuine to me but so far away. Why are the far away people the ones who remain so close? Yet the ones I see daily are so far from sight. Luckily I don't worry too much about these things. Instead I dwell on those things that bring me joy. As I write this I can think of three people dear to me thay I wish were here right now.

I just thought of this right now:

My heart beats for three
Satisfaction of the soul
And now I must take my leave
Serenity is my goal

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Where is she?

Where is she
I've been looking all over
but she remains far from me

Even now as I write this
it seems there are still distractions
but still I remain oblivious

Why doesn't she reach out her hand
I'm awaiting to be seen
yet still here I stand

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Peace like a River

In memory of Dea. Clifford Rhetta

God sees fit to call his strong soldiers home. One I know in particular always had a song in his heart and a smile on his face. You never know how a person has touched your life until there gone. Sometimes all you can do is just recall those moments thay brought you joy and long for the moment you can see them again. Yes, sorrow encompasses your world view for a while but you stil hold on and strong for everyone. I can understand the reason for a life and a death. I know everything that has a beginning has an end. Through the end of a body's existence a soul is released and made back to a spirit. That spirit then returns to the source. This source is God. The author and finisher of our faith. I know not everyone believes in God. Some people don't even recognize His existence. This entry is not to make a beleiver out of anyone, this is just to express a feeling. We go one day from an "is" to a "was." What happens in the moment, I don't know yet. I imagine it would be serene like floating above a high mountain, riding a cloud to the top. Maybe it's better than any accolade you could ever accomplish here on earth. One thing I do know is that this man from the time I knew him until the time he passed on, he always had peace like a river in his soul. Now that same peace is in paradise, walking rhe streets of gold without a care in the world. The ultimate serenity has been reached by the man who had joy like a fountain. Springing up to the sky with all life, now he is singing with the angels above. Finally, his love like an ocean will now be a never ending sea of bliss and clarity. Our Maker has called him home to be at peace, to be at joy and to be at love in spirirt.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

She Knows

From under the face of despair
she holds a candle in the night
seeking for love and care
she walks slowly toward the light.

She may be afraid to get hurt again
no one blames her choice
searching for her fairy tale friend
she begins to lose her voice

It's possible she can take a leap
faith can produce no woes
what she sows she will soon reap
with the destiny in sight she knows

Monday, January 6, 2014

Man on the Mountain

Man on the Mountain
I'm climbing up a mountain. I have limited gear. I'm running low on fresh water. The top is in sight yet I begin feeling weak. All of a sudden rain starts to fall. I start losing my grip. I put all my strength in pressing up. I hold on to my hook which is clinging to a rock. Then, out of nowhere, I see a pack to my left. I reach to get it and find plenty of food and tools inside. The rain rages on and so do I. Feeling renewed I make my way up. Step by step I climb till I reach the top. Once I stand at the top of the mountain, the rain ceases to fall. I can see the sun coming through the clouds producing a rainbow. I turn around and immediately face my next challenge. A mountain lion stands looking my fiercely in the eyes. He is focused on destroying me. I have no weapon except a fishing knife. This 9 inch blade will have to do. The lion sets in to a pouncing position and I brace myself for impact. He lunges at me with full speed. I stand still. He leaps in the air to make his attack. I side step him and swing my blade aimed at his face. He lands on the edge preparing for another go at me. But before he could make his move I dash towards him with a rock and hurl it forcefully. It meets his head and he falls tumbling down the mountain. I look on as he apparently hits the bottom. A great feeling of victory and empowerment comes over me. Having defeated the lion, maybe, now I could enjoy the journey of making it to the top of this mountain. I fall on my knees and begin to pray. Feeling thankful, I worship God for helping me make it through. Suddenly an eagle appears directly above me. It hovers down with an elegant grace I have never seen before. I look at into the eyes of the eagle and it gives me a rather peculiar nod. I take it as a sign on peace and perhaps it is here to offer me a new path. The eagle extends his wing out to me as if to say climb on, and so I did. I climb on top of the eagle's back and immediately it takes flight. Soaring through the air, I feel like a brand new person. We are now airborne and flying high in the sky. The eagle takes me to a higher place that I would never have found. We make it to our destination in minutes. The eagle has brought me to a cave high atop an ever bigger mountain than the one I climbed before. I get down from the eagle and it takes off without a moment's notice. The cave was immensely dark except for a torch that was hanging on the wall. I take the torch and proceed inside. I go deep into this cave all the way to the end and stop when I see colors on the wall. I pan the wall from left to right. Then the entire picture shows full view to me. It is a drawing of a man climbing a mountain. But in this drawing the man falls. Next to this is a drawing of another man figting a lion but again this man fails and is destroyed by the lion. Then there is the eagle carrying a body of someone up to a cave. I look perplexed and wonder who could have drawn these images. I hear a sound in the darkness, grab my torch and turn around. I see me but only it's not me. It looks like a younger version of myself. Then I realize it's a mirror. Before I can do anything, the glass shatters before my eyes and the cave emits a beam of light blinding everything in sight. I walk out of the cave and get outside where I see the end to the beam of light. My eyes soon adjust and I see the light points directly up into the clouds. The eagle returns, looks at me and swoops me up. It takes me all the way into the clouds and it seems like, for an eternity, we are on an endless journey through paradise.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Catching Fire Review

This blog entry is dedicated to the review of the best movie I've seen this year lol. Yes I know the year just started. Happy New Year! But seriously Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire is just that, on fire. This sequel almost bested the original. I am loving the screenplay adaptation to the novel. Hollywood is finally getting something right. I'm not going to post any spoilers but I must say it is satisfying to see the progression of the main heroine. Jennifer Lawrence showed why she deserves the title of academy award winner. The action and drama coupled with the ever changing plot will keep you invested in this series till the very end. I am so glad I decided to make this movie the first one of the new year. 2014 is already shaping up to be an incredible year. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you owe it to yourself. Good night all.