Monday, February 10, 2014

To everything there is a Season

Good Morning internet "friends" on this Great Monday morning. As some of you may know, I like to write. I am living a single life at the moment. I have my own place and have been making it on my own for quite some time. With the Grace of God I have been able to turn many negatives in my life to a positive. I have fallen many times but I have gotten up each time and kept on fighting. I have been betrayed, let down, disrespected, abandoned and ridiculed. I am a person that puts charity above all else and I beleive that chivalry is not dead. So why am I explaining all of this right now? Because these days it seems like everything is backwards. I stand by and watch good women fight fpr the "boy" that's doing them wrong. I see men give up everything for a "girl" who doesn't appreciate her own worth. Check this out: flowers show up at your door just because, your door is always opened for you, standing up at the table as you leave and come back, you never pay for dinner, cuddling close on the couch while watching a movie and sipping hot cocoa. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Some women go their whole life without experiencing true romance. Most men go their whole life not realizing how valuable a good women can be. Yet here we are in the 21st century and people still act like they have no sense. At this moment in my life I've found it better to just wait for God. The time will come when it is His will and it is fit for me to meet someone. Maybe that one is reading this post right now. Probably through some way or someone's effort this post will be shared with them. I close this with one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible. From Ecclesiastes: " everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven."

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