Sunday, February 2, 2014

Serenity is my goal

I have comfort knowing that this battle is not mine. It belongs to God. His hands are shaping the outcome. My heart is glad to accept His will. I am told many things by people these days. People, as they are, become hard to trust. I spend my time engaged in writing, literature, games, spirituality and philosophy. Meanwhile it seems there are those more focused on the next trend or the hot topic of the week.  I remember a person to whom I bared my soul and poured out all my emotions only to be met with a mere expression of mediocrity. It's amazing how some people close to you can remain so oblivious to your outward expression of feelings. Then I know of a certain person who is genuine to me but so far away. Why are the far away people the ones who remain so close? Yet the ones I see daily are so far from sight. Luckily I don't worry too much about these things. Instead I dwell on those things that bring me joy. As I write this I can think of three people dear to me thay I wish were here right now.

I just thought of this right now:

My heart beats for three
Satisfaction of the soul
And now I must take my leave
Serenity is my goal

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