Monday, January 6, 2014

Man on the Mountain

Man on the Mountain
I'm climbing up a mountain. I have limited gear. I'm running low on fresh water. The top is in sight yet I begin feeling weak. All of a sudden rain starts to fall. I start losing my grip. I put all my strength in pressing up. I hold on to my hook which is clinging to a rock. Then, out of nowhere, I see a pack to my left. I reach to get it and find plenty of food and tools inside. The rain rages on and so do I. Feeling renewed I make my way up. Step by step I climb till I reach the top. Once I stand at the top of the mountain, the rain ceases to fall. I can see the sun coming through the clouds producing a rainbow. I turn around and immediately face my next challenge. A mountain lion stands looking my fiercely in the eyes. He is focused on destroying me. I have no weapon except a fishing knife. This 9 inch blade will have to do. The lion sets in to a pouncing position and I brace myself for impact. He lunges at me with full speed. I stand still. He leaps in the air to make his attack. I side step him and swing my blade aimed at his face. He lands on the edge preparing for another go at me. But before he could make his move I dash towards him with a rock and hurl it forcefully. It meets his head and he falls tumbling down the mountain. I look on as he apparently hits the bottom. A great feeling of victory and empowerment comes over me. Having defeated the lion, maybe, now I could enjoy the journey of making it to the top of this mountain. I fall on my knees and begin to pray. Feeling thankful, I worship God for helping me make it through. Suddenly an eagle appears directly above me. It hovers down with an elegant grace I have never seen before. I look at into the eyes of the eagle and it gives me a rather peculiar nod. I take it as a sign on peace and perhaps it is here to offer me a new path. The eagle extends his wing out to me as if to say climb on, and so I did. I climb on top of the eagle's back and immediately it takes flight. Soaring through the air, I feel like a brand new person. We are now airborne and flying high in the sky. The eagle takes me to a higher place that I would never have found. We make it to our destination in minutes. The eagle has brought me to a cave high atop an ever bigger mountain than the one I climbed before. I get down from the eagle and it takes off without a moment's notice. The cave was immensely dark except for a torch that was hanging on the wall. I take the torch and proceed inside. I go deep into this cave all the way to the end and stop when I see colors on the wall. I pan the wall from left to right. Then the entire picture shows full view to me. It is a drawing of a man climbing a mountain. But in this drawing the man falls. Next to this is a drawing of another man figting a lion but again this man fails and is destroyed by the lion. Then there is the eagle carrying a body of someone up to a cave. I look perplexed and wonder who could have drawn these images. I hear a sound in the darkness, grab my torch and turn around. I see me but only it's not me. It looks like a younger version of myself. Then I realize it's a mirror. Before I can do anything, the glass shatters before my eyes and the cave emits a beam of light blinding everything in sight. I walk out of the cave and get outside where I see the end to the beam of light. My eyes soon adjust and I see the light points directly up into the clouds. The eagle returns, looks at me and swoops me up. It takes me all the way into the clouds and it seems like, for an eternity, we are on an endless journey through paradise.

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