Her smile is beautiful
I see her everyday
In my dreams and in life
She loves me in every way
I'm in a state of joy
There's so much goodness
Her smile lights up my heart
As I remain in happiness
Her smile is beautiful
I see her everyday
In my dreams and in life
She loves me in every way
I'm in a state of joy
There's so much goodness
Her smile lights up my heart
As I remain in happiness
This is my last blog of 2014. A lot can happen in a year. There's been some loss and there has been gain. Through it all, I still have my love for God. It's the only thing that keeps me going these days. I don't know what the future holds or what 2015 will bring. One thing is certain, I have learned hard lessons and my life has been changed. Happy holidays to all and hope to see more in the New Year.
10 years ago I was at the best university of my life. I was in a happy place. Suddenly, things changed. I had an accident that claimed 75% of my body. 2nd and 3rd degree burns from scalding hot radiator fluid. I'm not writing this to tell the entire story in detail. So I had a traumatic event. After this traumatic event, my heart suffered a tragic loss. My beloved Grandmother Dorothy Moore passed away. The interesting point to make is that once I came out of the hospital for my accident, she went in to get help. Some weeks later they released her home. Then the night before Halloween, she passed away. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye as she laid in bed. But the rest of my family did. I missed out because I was preoccupied with a person who is no longer apart of my life. I'm not playing the blame game. I make my own decisions and unfortunately I have made some very bad decisions in my life. Even now to this day. But 10 years ago is when things changed. My grandmother went home to be with God. I unfortunately had to withdraw from college. My family started to deteriorate. The cancer that ate away at my grandmother has also ate away the close relationship my family had. I've had a cousin make a remark that, "our family died when grandma did." That was very hurtful. I have another cousin who moved away. I miss her dearly. Other family members have there issues. I have mine. So, 10 years ago it felt like my heart was broken. It felt as if my family would never be the same again. It felt like I was never going to recover. 10 years later and my family still has problems, my heart is being pulled in many different directions and I just don't know what to do anymore. I write this because it helps. I no longer have my trusted best friend and brother. I don't have my long distance true friend in my life. I am a product of my own choices. I'm walking this path and taking care of others without regard for myself. My 10 year plan that I made in my senior year of high school has not come to fruition. There has been much heartache and intense pain. I've spoken to therapists and doctors to see what's wrong but I find writing to be much more therapeutic. Now I just have to start taking more time instead of giving up so much for others. 10 years ago I was happy. 10 years later and I'm trying to find more happiness. Thank you God for the blessings and tender mercies you show me each day. I pray humbly for wisdom and discernment. I pray for increase. Bless me. I love you. Amen!
Shores sail like warm clouds.
Rise swiftly like an old gull.
Clear, old suns quietly view a lively, misty seashell.
The moon endures like a small sailor.
Stormy, rough clouds swiftly lead an old, cold mainland.
The small girl swiftly views the shore.
Faith, desire, and adventure.
All winds lead cold, misty sharks.
The clear sea quietly desires the wind.
Never desire a wave.
Endure roughly like a small lad.
The reef falls like a rough ship.
Why does the mainland die?
Never command a pirate.
Why does the shark travel?
Love is a dead reef.
There is of course more than 10 ways to love someone. Nonetheless, these 10 are all equally important. Love is to:
Listen without interrupting
Speak without accusing
Give without sparing
Pray without ceasing
Answer without arguing
Share without pretending
Enjoy without complaint
Trust without wavering
Forgive without punishing
Promise without forgetting
These 10 keys are essential in love and any relationship you may have. Hope you find someone that demonstrates these keys and also that you demonstrate these for the one you love. The justice of all relationships is bound by the truth you speak and the respect you show one another. God's love is perfect. The love you have for each other ought to be a close second.
These two go hand in hand. When you love someone you will forgive them. When you forgive someone it shows an act of love. I have been wronged by many people in my life. Friends, family, co-workers and a host of others. I have also done wrong in my life. I am far from perfect but I am also far from the worst. I have lied, stolen, cheated and even deceived my ownself. I have experienced love and I have suffered loss. I have been in relationships that were one sided and I have been tricked into bad things. I am a man of faith, I practice chivalry and I respect people. I forgive everyone no matter how much the hurt is bearing down on me. I ask for forgiveness whenever I wrong someone. I never let pride get in my way. But again, these two items go hand in hand. I have written poems, songs, stories and various other writings. God has seen fit to provide me with this talent and I appreciate it very much. For every person that reads this, you will know who you are. Forgive me for the wrong I have done to you. I love you all as God loves me. God forgives us even when we feel like we don't deserve it. I forgive everyone that has done me wrong. I'm making this public because it needs to be in the open. This is the only way. In relationships, love and forgiveness must be given equally and justly. When you say you love someone, you would rather die than ever hurt them. And when you do end up hurting them you die a little on the inside. Trust is an important key in any relationship including friendships and family. My three principles I have lived by has always been Truth, Justice and Respect. This is my personal creed because these three concepts and wrapped up in Love and it takes all three to Forgive. Patience is one of the most wise of virtues. Love and Forgiveness cannot be separated. God loves me and I love God. This is the most important.