Happy Good Friday to everyone. Why is it Good Friday? Because the most amazing event happened 2000 years ago. A man named Jesus Christ of Nazareth decided to take all the sins of the world and be crucified showing His love for all of us. He was beaten, cursed, mocked and afflicted for our transgressions. He never did any wrong. The passion He demonstrated on the cross was something no one else could ever do. He paid the debt that was owed since the first Adam fell. He finished it all on the cross to save everyone, who would only just believe, from the penalty of sin. I know many of you don't believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. But this is the main central event of my faith and the most incredible event in all of human history. He died so that many will have a chance at everlasting life. God loves you and cares for you so much that all He asks in return is for you to follow Him. It's that simple. No need to be difficult. Good Friday is good because God is good.